Appealing a Child Custody Ruling

2024-06-13 19:58:47

Appealing a child custody ruling in Arizona involves a specific legal process to address potential errors in the original court decision. To file an appeal, you must act within 30 days of the judgment and consult with a lawyer to meet all procedural requirements. Grounds for appeal include legal errors, abuse of discretion, and procedural issues during the trial. It is important to differentiate between appealing a decision and seeking a modification, which is appropriate for significant changes in circumstances affecting the child's welfare. Key factors in custody decisions include the child's wishes, parental interaction, and any history of domestic violence. Understanding these aspects and having skilled legal representation can significantly affect the outcome. Colburn Hintze Maletta’s family law attorneys provide the necessary expertise and support for handling this complex process, ensuring the best interests of the child are considered.
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