What are Indecent Exposure Laws in Arizona: ARS 13-1402

2024-06-20 20:22:12

Indecent exposure laws in Arizona, as defined by ARS 13-1402, involve the unlawful exposure of private parts in public or in the presence of others, done recklessly with the awareness that it would likely offend or alarm. Penalties for indecent exposure can range from class 1 misdemeanors to class 3 felonies, depending on the victim's age and the offender's history. Factors like the location of the offense and prior convictions can aggravate the charges. Public sexual indecency, a related offense, involves engaging in sexual acts in public. Legal defenses for these charges include lack of intent, mistaken identity, and insufficient evidence. Additionally, breastfeeding in public is explicitly excluded from being considered indecent exposure. For those facing indecent exposure charges, seeking experienced legal representation from Colburn Hintze Maletta is crucial to ensure a strong defense and protect one's rights. Contact them for a free consultation.
First published at https://ift.tt/DRfpe8z

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